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Candidates for Mayor of Bensalem debate

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo- Delaware Valley mayor DiGirolamo hammers a point.

By Alex Lloyd Gross

The two men want the title of Bensalem Mayor. One already had the job, Joseph DiGirolamo  and the other,  Bryan  Allen wants to take it away.  To allow the voters in Bensalem the opportunity to determine who they think is the better person for the job, the two  agreed to a debate, which was held  Sunday, October 29, 2017  at Congregation Tifereth Israel, which is located on Bristol Road in the township.

At times it was civil and at times, contentious.  Both have good ideas but both have different agendas to get them done. Allen was against paying the police overtime for things like the drill team  which preforms every year during Fall Festival. “It looks nice, but we have to straighten out our finances”, he said.  The Mayor expressed regret at having to lay off 19 people to meet the  budget.

Alex Lloyd Gross- Delaware Valley As Bryan Allen speaks, Mayor DiGirolamo ponders his response.

Both agreed that the drug crisis is serious . DiGirolamo was proud of the fact that Bensalem is the first township to sue  drug manufacturers.  Allen, was cool to the idea. “It’s going to take a long time, maybe 10 years before we get that resolved and the lawyers will take the brunt of money.  It’s a class action suit”, Allen said.  He then went after the mayor’s family, which DiGirolamo thought was off limits. “I’m very upset, you brought up my family”,  he said, as he wagged a finger at Allen.

Infrastructure such as the I-95 and Street Road  intersection were discussed. There were studies done and both hope  to be able to  put funding in place to bring that project to fruition. It should cost about $150  Million dollars.  Short of a philanthropist donating the money,   both Harrisburg and Washington will have to be lobbied hard for the funds.

As for term limits. Allen is for them, “The mayor has been here 24 years,”. he said repeatedly. DiGirolamo said that “The courts have ruled against term limits,  it cannot be done or enacted.  While Allen was working with state legislators,  he did nothing to draft legislation for this to happen”.  Both candidates have been in politics for a very long time. Allen worked with State Representatives and ran for office previously without success.. His last run got him a respectable number of votes.  Election day for Pennsylvania is  November 7 2017.


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