Vodka truck turns over on expressway

By Alex Lloyd Gross
A tractor trailer, hauling cases of Titos Vodka turned over on the Woodhaven Road ramp to southbound Interstate 95 today, December 7, 2017 . The truck driver was able to get out without help but fire crews were called because of initial reports were that he was trapped. There were broken bottles of vodka all over the highway. The smell was almost enough to get people drunk.

The ramp was closed and traffic was diverted. State Police were on scene to investigate and make sure that passing motorists did not help themselves to any spilled product. Rob’s towing had to call multiple heavy wreckers, and a dump truck to the scene to clean up the mess. Cases of product that were not damaged had to be offloaded from the truck and placed into another tractor and driven away. Then, after that was completed,the work could start to upright the truck. The entire incident took upwards of nine hours to clear.
No other vehicles were involved in the accident.