Vehicle hits train in Croydon

By Alex Lloyd Gross
A pick up truck hit a train last night, January 12 2018 in Croydon. According to cops, the train, a Norfolk-Southern Locomotive was crossing the train track that runs across State Road near River Road. The road was dark, and wet. A pick up truck that was traveling north on State Road slammed into the locomotive. While the train suffered minor damage and the conductor was not hurt, the truck sustained heavy front end damage and needed to be towed.
The rail road stoplights were engaged and working when emergency crews arrived on scene. There are no barricades across the road to stop traffic due to an approaching train. The driver of the truck sustained an injury. Police could not say if the driver was impaired. He had no passengers. The train track are used for freight cars and not passengers. The crash happened shortly after 8:00 PM and the road was opened within 45 minutes.