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Jim Breuer was on fire at Parx

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo- Delaware valley Jim Breuer on stage in Bensalem

By Alex Lloyd Gross

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo- Delaware Valley Jim Breuer makes sure the audience is paying attention.

Jim Breuer  played a show at the new Xcite center at Parx Casino, yesterday, February 23, 2018 and he killed it.  Lots of people will know him from his band the loud and Rowdy, but this show was just him. He took the stage right after Philly transplant Joe Sib introduced him and at the risk of a bad pun, Breuer was off to the races.  While AC/DC music faded out,  he poked fun at his good friend, Brian Johnson, former front man for that band . “Boy, how would you like to be out of work and be this guy,” Breuer asked, then went into a dialogue of Johnson selling ice cream.

Breuer is known for some routines, like George Carlin was known for “AL Sleet”, Breuer is known for his “Long Live Paint”  routine, which includes his short stint working in SEARS, at the Valley Stream Mall. Presumably, that was the start of the downfall of the retail giant.  Unfortunately, those at Parx last night, were not treated to the story that helped propel this man to be able to sell out this venue. He should have done this routine, especially with “long Live Paint”  T shirts for sale.  Guaranteed, he would have sold more of them.  There was not a ticket to be had. Not at walk up, not anywhere, unless you went online and paid big bucks.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo- Delaware valley Joe Sib opens the night.

When a fan called out his support for the Mets,  Breuer  was quick to admonish him . “You got to know your neighborhood,”  Then Breuer went into a routine about the Eagles. Not so much about the team, but about the stupidity that some of the fans  engaged in after the win. “The NFL Commissioner called up the Eagles and told them they would not be allowed to win again in 2019”, Breuer said.

He is 50 years old and he likes talking about  his experiences and his family. He even joked about his colonoscopy.  “Best sleep I ever had.”  He was on stage for a bit over an hour. You know, the Xcite Center would be the perfect venue to bring him back with the Loud and Rowdy. in fact, he can do a residence there, like he did in Vegas,  Keeping in tune with his theme. A weeks  stay is sure to sell out every night.

As mentioned, there was an opener, a comedian Joe Sib. He was funny,  and his routine was talking about his family and his Italian name and face. He was born in Philadelphia but moved to California.  He will be back in the area soon, and when he does, it would be smart to go see him.




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