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Amazicon: features Macon County Line, Lost in Space and Brady Bunch reunion actors

Alex Lloyd Gross -Photo- Delaware Valley Jesse Vint holds a copy of his book, the Film Actors Handbook. you can get your own copy at Amazicon

By Alex Lloyd Gross

Lots of conventions roll through the area  that deal with pop culture memorabilia. One such event is Amazicon which runs through Sunday. It’s a small but growing event that has lots of vendors and actors. You can get most of the info you need here.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo- Geri Reischel

The convention is held just over the state line in Delaware.  at the Double Tree Hotel on route 202 in New Castle .Speaking of the state line, Jesse Vint, star of Macon County Line is there to meet you. This classic movie stars Jesse Vint  and his  late brother Alan as Chris and Wayne Dixon . They meet up with Jenny Scott, (played by Cheryl Waters). They break down in Macon County Ga. and are accosted by a sheriff played by Max Baer . The sheriff’s house gets broken into and he thinks it’s the three. It goes downhill for the trio from there. While you are at the convention, Vint can tell you about his experiences on the film and with Earthquake and Chinatown. Vint is very affable and down to earth.  He is selling his self published book  called The Film Actors handbook. In it, you will learn about agents that will try to screw you over . He can help you memorize lines.  The signed book is just about $10.00.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo- Mark Goddard with the Lost in Space Robot. Or a decent replica.

Seated a few tables away is Geri Reishl, You may remember her from the Brady Bunch reunion. This down to earth beauty  played Jan Brady when Eve Plumb was finished acting.  Currently,  she is lives in New Jersey and is still involved in show business. She has done voice work and commercial work. Horror fans will remember her in Brotherhood of Satan and she has toured with Sammy David Jr.  The best part of Geri is she can laugh at herself and does not take things too seriously.  He has the patience  of a saint and is known for her work with  people suffering from Alzheimers disease.

In the hotel lobby is Mark Goddard and Marta Kristen from Lost in Space. The original television series. Along side a robot these two are happy to sign autographs and pose for photos.  Goddard also has a book out called To Space and Back, which is about his experience on the TV show. Both actors are very nice, down to earth  and are happy to pose for photos. You can also talk about the show and the hilarious antics of Dr. Smith. Both have some awesome stories to tell you. It’s  not all actors, it’s trading cards, memorabilia, and in the back parking lot,there are authentic vehicles made up to look like Ghostbusters vehicle and even a Jurrasic Park Jeep.

The complete list of actors that will be there are listed on the website. Jeremy Ambler from the Walking Dead is also there and  this is not his first time at Amazicon. People that want to come in costume are encouraged to do so.




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