SEPTA bus hits house, cars and pedestrians in fatal accident

By Alex Lloyd Gross
A SEPTA bus presumably traveling to a depot just north of Knights road , on Frankford Avenue was involved in a serious crash just south of there, at Morrell Ave. At least one person is confirmed dead. Police have to now determine what happened and who went through a red light. The crash happened just before 6:00 PM July 5, 2018. It is unknown how many passengers, if any were on the bus at the time of the crash
The bus, after hitting two cars on Frankford Avenue, jumped the curb and slammed into the front of a house. Four people who were on the front yard of the house were hit by the bus and three were in very critical condition. One person was pronounced dead at the scene. Bystanders came rushing to the aid of the people,but there was nothing they could do.
The house sustained structural damage and will have to be examined by License and Inspections before the homeowner can go back in. A total of four medic units were called to the scene. The front yard of an adjacent house was used as a triage center. Traffic was detoured around the area for several hours.
Police said that their evidence leads to the fact that the bus went past a red light. The pedestrians were cooling off in a small pool in front of a house when they were struck. The man who was killed has been identified as James Derbyshire of Aubrey Ave. in Philadelphia.