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Protesters meet at local congressional office about Mueller report

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Alex Lloyd Gross- Photo- Delaware Valley Jo Freehand and Jonson Miller from Langhorne join Mindy Marcus from Newtown to listen to remarks given by speakers.

By Alex Lloyd Gross

Alex Lloyd Gross- photo- Delaware Valley Kierstyn Zolfo makes a point during her remarks.

When Robert Mueller released his  report on the Russia investigation, to President Trump appointed Attorney General William Barr, people were livid when only a four page extract  told the American people what was in the Muller report.  In fact, this issue has so polarized the nation that in a rare show of support The House of Representatives, voted 420 to 0 to release the Muller report. However, republicans in the Senate, specifically Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell, blocked a vote to even come to the floor. This has infuriated the American people so much, that  over 250 protests in strategic locations across the country were held on Thursday.

Locally, one such protest was held at the district office of Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks) in Langhorne  ,  Fitzpatrick voted recently to have the report be made public, however,  Pennsylvania Statewide Indivisible  along with Move On feel pressure needs to be applied to Fitzpatrick, because he has remained mostly silent in the public realm about the Special Counsel investigation.

Alex Lloyd Gross – Delaware Valley Fred Cohen from Andalusia signs a petition.

About 200 people were present when the protests started to get fully underway. The crowd was still growing.  Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA)  was also the focus  of the protest,  where petitions were signed telling him to support release of the Muller report. Both republicans are Trump supporters, voting with him over 80 percent of the time, according to congressional records, sharing Trump’s views on a lot of things this group feels is not right for Americans.

“I don’t think it’s right for a political appointee to decide what gets released from the Mueller Report. We can’t let political framing drive opinion on an issue that is so critical to or democracy. This is why we have gathered here today to demand that the full Muller Report be released be released so we can all read it and come to our own conclusions, ” said Kierstyn Zolfo, one of the event organizers.

People who stood up to speak at a makeshift public address system that was set up on the parking lot of One Summit place,where the congressman has his office. Others went to nearby Route 332 and South State Street to hold up their signs.

According to a recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll,  75 percent of american’s want the full Muller report released. Til the happens more protests are expected throughout the country.


Editors Note: Digital Reporter Jeff Bohen contributed to this report.  

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