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“Code Enforcer” damages cars in NJ town

“Code Enforcer” caught in the act.

By Alex Lloyd Gross

When you click the link above, it will take you to a video on the Westhampton NJ Facebook page.  The video will show you an adult damaging cars.  This happened this week in the Holly Hills section of the township.  The male responsible for doing this may be walking a small dog. After he scratches cars, he leaves a note telling the owner why their vehicle got damaged.

This guy is upset that the lawn is not cut properly, or maybe there is a lit of trash in the property, so he thinks it’s okay to damage others property. The notes have a checklist on them telling the  victims what is wrong with their property. The notes are signed “Code Enforcer”.  Police in Westhampton want to hear from you if you know who this male is.  Residents are fed up with his actions. Some neighbors installed security cameras and this  video is from one of them.  police think this male  lives in the area. The vandalism started last fall but recently, has been more prevalent.


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