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Region Digs Out From Storm

Submitted, Trees snap in Bensalem

By Alex Lloyd Gross

Submitted. Fire Crews at a transformer explosion on Windsor Drive in Bristol Twp.

For most people it was not the rain but the sudden high winds that caused the most damage in the region, as a result of a dangerous storm that came through the area yesterday, July 22, 2019.  As the storm came through some of Delaware County,  Montgomery County Philadelphia and Bucks,  large trees were snapped , utility poles taken down to the ground and trees came down on power lines.

When that happens, nothing can get cleared until PECO can verify that there is no electricity flowing through the lines. Given a large volume of calls,  that could take hours. you can find the latest power outage info.It is frustrating when you call an electric provider and you get a recording that they know about the outage and no restore time. No estimate, nothing. The best thing you can do is unplug appliances, to prevent a power surge, and get comfortable.

Trees and large branches that have come down may need to be cut up by a tree service to be removed. If damage is done to your dwelling, contact your insurance at once. Power might not come back on to some areas until after 10:00 PM if we get more storms. For parts of Burlington NJ, power will not be restored until Wednesday or possibly Thursday. Straight line winds tore the roof off a carwash and a two mile stretch of Route 130 was without traffic lights.


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