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Multiple People Hurt In New Falls Road Crash

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Alex Lloyd Gross- Photo- Delaware Valley The crash scene

By Alex Lloyd Gross

A grinding three vehicle crash on New Falls Road at Bristol Oxford Valley Road  sent four people local hospitals. The crash happened when a Nissan Rouge slammed into the rear of a Dodge Durango. That vehicle was then pushed into a Subaru. The chain reaction crash caused New Falls Road to be closed at Bristol Oxford Valley Road. None of the injuries is life threatening, police said.  Charges may be forthcoming. If any were to be filed, police said they will be done sooner rather than later.



Two medic units were called as well as fire companies from Penndel, and Bristol.   The accident is being investigated by Middletown Twp. Police, who were assisted by Bristol Twp.  The road was cleared of the wreckage and reopened within one hour.

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