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VIDEO: 2 Males and A Dog Wanted For Catalytic Converter Thefts In Bensalem

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Two males took a dog on a stealing spree at the St. Mary’s Life On North Gate Drive  In Bensalem . It was just after 2:00 AM and all was quiet in the office complex when  these two pulled up in a maroon mini van with a paper tag.  They had a dog with them, which appears to be a husky. They pull up to where transport vans are parked and check out what is in front of them. 10 vans all parked unattended.


They back into a parking spot, right in front of a camera.   One of the males get out with the dog and walks away.  He is a look out.  He has a cell phone and could be using either an open phone line or a Zello type Walkie  talkie devise to contact his friend who is doing the stealing.  As the dog is walked around the area, close by, the actual thief gets to work.

Police said he has a reciprocating saw which is operated by a battery.  He crawls under the vans and cuts off the converters. All 10 of them, from the vans that are used to transport people in need.  Take a look at the video below. you may recognize the males, the van or even the dog.  You are urged to contact Bensalem Police at (215) 633-3719. You do not have to give your name.

Both males appear to be light skinned males with beards.  Since the male with the dog left  with the  his friend, in the same van after the thefts were completed,  his involvement is solidified by that fact.  Many people believe that if you take a pet to a crime spree , you are too stupid to own a pet. Once arrested, there is a chance that the pet could be taken away and re homed to a more responsible owner, that will not  bring this dog to facilitate a theft.






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