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Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion- On Holidays

Dear Friends,
      December, the twelfth month of the year, the last month of the year, it also brings Christmas, what does this mean to you? A day off from work, maybe you will work for a day of over time? For many it means a week vacation. Will you go see how the neighbors and merchants have decorated for the holiday? Will you pass the Nativity in front of the church and remember the story of the birth of Jesus Christ? Will you put on your Sunday best and go to Christmas Mass? Will you open your door to hear the carolers singing in front of your house? How about shopping for food for a big holiday meal, a Christmas tree fresh cut at the tree farm, a wreath for the door made of fresh cut greens and holly, decorating the house and tree, hanging stockings for Santa to fill? Shopping for Christmas gifts for friends and family, don’t forget your Christmas list of cards to write and send. Are you going on a Christmas vacation, skiing, a time share, a cabin in the woods with a big wood fireplace? Maybe you have young ones, children, grandchildren that you will help write a wish list note to Santa Claus. As you decorate the house what childhood memories of the holidays come back to you? Did you go sit on Santa’s lap and ask him for something special under your tree? Did you leave him milk and cookies? Perhaps you stayed up late hoping to hear the sleigh and reindeer land on your roof and Santa as he slid down your chimney as you silently wished for a white Christmas?
      Maybe you are more modern than that and spend your days shopping on line and ordering your dinner delivered, cooked and ready to eat, turkey or ham with all the trimmings including pie for dessert. Is your shopping list a Word document, your card list part of your E-mail list? Will Santa deliver your gifts to friends and family or will they be left on their porches by Amazon? Will you play Christmas music; “Oh Holy Night” “White Christmas” or “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer?”
      What does Christmas mean to you? Do you believe in the spirit of Santa Claus, are you filled with the joyful spirit of Christmas? What feeling does the nativity fill you with, religion, singing hymns in church? How about belief? Do you believe in the spirit of Santa Claus, the spirit of giving, the joy you receive from helping others less blessed? The true spirit of the Word of God no matter what holiday you celebrate it all comes down to faith. So, no matter what the holiday season may be for you, as you sit down with loved ones, as you enjoy the holiday meal, say grace and a prayer for those who are unable to feel the warmth of the fireplace, sit and enjoy the special meal and company, watch a football game, or pie alamode before settling in for the night. Now where should I hang the mistletoe?

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