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Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion- On Easter

Dear Friends,
       How was your Easter? Do you still dye hard boiled eggs and did the Easter Bunny hide them for the children to find to put in their Easter baskets? Did you celebrate with a special holiday meal, family, and friends? Chips, dips, pretzels, and other assorted snacks like weenies, cheese sticks, maybe assorted nuts. Maybe you put on a suit and tie, a pretty dress and attend church for a special Easter Sunday message. Did anyone stop at the cemetery and place flowers? How many exchanged or sent cards and personal notes or just a text, E-mail? As you celebrated the day did you take a special moment for those unable to celebrate the day, did you say a special grace before eating? Perhaps after dinner you gathered for coffee and dessert, played a board game, maybe you engaged in conversation.
How important is the holiday for you? I mean the true meaning of the day. “Crucified, dead and buried, and on the third day He arose.” How powerful is that? His life on earth in human form fulfilled, He lived and died for us, our sins, eternal life. He defeated death for us to know our place in Heaven. For me the Easter holiday; Good Friday to Easter Sunday is the most powerful. Christmas is, of course important as our Savior was born to Mary as the son of God. His birth was not surrounded by parties, gifts, special room and bed instead He came into this world in a stable in a manger surrounded by animals. He was visited by a special few bringing gifts to welcome His birth as the Angels led them to do. His life was His message, His journey, how long did He stay before His death on the cross? Many say not long, not long enough, truly, as long as it took to bring His message to the world.
      What we accomplish, how we live is much more important than how long it took. As I speak with people about Jesus Christ and His life and death, His rising from the dead I try to impress the importance of His life and death, believe in God, believe in the Word of God, know the importance of the Ten Commandments, and in Faith believe. As we spoke I was asked about the “End Time” and of course, “When will He be coming back?” I am unable to predict this, it is forewarned but not predicted. I could only respond by saying “We are not the planning committee, we are the welcoming committee.”

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