Update On Mayfair Murder

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Philadelphia Police have released an update to a murder that happened on Sackett Street earlier this week. Walus Mateus, 42 of the 3100 block of Wellington Street has been arrested and charged with murder, carrying an unlicensed gun and related firearms charges, after police said he gunned down his neighbor, Emerson Desouza.

Alex Lloyd Gross photo-Delaware Valley News.com, Investigators take notes on Sackett Street. The pick-up truck is where the shooting happened.

Police said both men lived on the same block of Wellington Street. Desouza was around the corner at his work truck, which was parked on Sackett Street. Mateus got into an argument with him and shot him next to his truck.

Mateus ran away from the scene but was arrested less than 24 hours later.

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5 thoughts on “Update On Mayfair Murder

  1. Good. Tired of all the ghetto garbage that ILLEGALLY invaded this once great country/ neighborhood , and ILLEGALLY parking these work trucks. The HOME OWNERS have no places to park, and the trucks make pulling out dangerous because they block the view of oncoming traffic.

    1. So you think was good someone murder a hard work man , only because those hard work people park their trucks in front of your house or are taking your parking spot “only you think is yours “ on the street that is public, you’re probably a lazy person that never leave your house to work , never helped this country grows and never will leave that neighborhood to a better one, so you don’t need to be parking at a “public” street and have you own driveway.

    2. So sad, assuming a person is “illegal”. If it was a work truck, they are bettering our country by working. The person who shot them is to blame, that is someone I would not want as a neighbor. On that note, probably would not like having you as a neighbor with your angry attitude. I have a lot of neighbors who come from other countries, and have been the nicest ones. I do not ask if they are “legal”. They work as hard if not harder than me. There are plenty of home-grown morons that park on sidewalks, crosswalks , etc. No need to blame folks you deem illegals.

  2. Low IQ comment considering the truck is the same size as the Chevy and does not obstruct the view of any traffic nor is parked illegally. They even provided a picture of the truck for people with simple minds to comprehend because your brain doesn’t process at a below average rate but I guess you missed it.
    Unless you’re pulling your car out of the house the truck wouldn’t obstruct your view but who knows maybe you think the living room is a solid spot to park your car.

  3. Ford F250 is a normal size truck you losers. A working man with a young child. I don’t care if he’s from another country or not. He was human and he worked. Probably more than what the loser did that shot him. No regard for human life. Put that loser 6 feet under the prison.

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