I-95 Closure Could Last Through Weekend

by Alex Lloyd Gross

When Philadelphia Police escorted an oversized load on I-95, someone did not anticipate that the load would strike an overhead railroad bridge. Someone miscalculated the height of the trailer and cargo and approved the route which would take it under a bridge, near the Aramingo Avenue off ramp.

The cargo struck the railroad bridge, which resulted in the immediate closure of the expressway. Detours were put into place to force drivers off at Aramingo and the can re enter at Bridge Street. Or,if they know what they are doing, they can exit at Allegheny Avenue and navigate through Port Richmond, to get back onto I-95 at Bridge Street.

This detour and the closure that comes with it could last through the weekend, officials said, If the entire expressway is not closed,motorists can expect delays when going past the bridge..

No injuries were reported during the accident, police said.