Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion-On Stress

Dear Friends,

by Paul Big Bear

       So much has been said about time in conversation, song, and writing and here we go again. How many times have you wished that you had more time in your day? Twenty four hours just doesn’t seem long enough, by the time you get up and ready for your day ahead; morning hygiene, breakfast, kids off to school? How do you commute to work, drive, public transportation, perhaps you carpool, if so does this add more stress to your day? Maybe you have a high stress job, solving problems and dealing with people and their moods and demands. How often do you find yourself checking the clock on the wall, your watch, or your phone with another impatient time check? How stressful is the rest of your day, perhaps a rushed lunch on the run or over a stack of paper work interrupted by phone calls and questions. Finally your work day ends and you journey home, what awaits you there?

Family, dinner on the table, perhaps your children need rides to school for sports or an afterschool program; maybe you have a stack of bills in need of your attention. Does your lawn need to be mowed, fallen leaves are blowing and find their way in your door, when will you find time to rake them up? Kids with homework, school projects, and time for family issues with your spouse; upcoming vacation, birthday parties, and the usual concerns that growing children present. Then there are the unforeseen demands, the things that “Just take time” to resolve.  

      Wouldn’t it be nice if your days could proceed like those on TV? The alarm awakens you with soft music; you rise, dress, and join the family for breakfast where everyone lovingly shares their upcoming day and your surprise involvement, all this in time for the first commercial break. Oh how great it would be to travel into your day able to handle all your tasks with ease in time for the second commercial break and return home secure knowing that all of the surprises and tasks of the day will be resolved in time for the final commercial break and you and your spouse will end your day together with a cup of coffee and a laugh. But, as much as “I Love Lucy” “Father Knows Best” that “My Three Sons” are just the beginning of our “Family Affair” after all it’s just “All In The Family.”    

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