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NJ Governor caught lying by the press over beach visit

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Alex Lloyd Gross- Photo Delaware Valley Chris Christie file photo.

By Alex Lloyd Gross

Governor Chris Christie, of New Jersey   was caught lying to the media and to the citizens of New Jersey, yesterday, July 2 2017. There is a budget impasse in the garden state and that means all non essential services are closed.  Closed to the general public.  Island beach State Park is a great place for families to go especially on the 4th of July weekend. except it’s closed.  However, Christie and his guests could still go there and have the entire beach to themselves,  Al 10 miles of it.

The Governor does have a vacation residence there and Christie and his family took full advantage of it. The public was outraged. Christie did not care, off went the lame duck governor and he was lounging in the sand, for an undetermined amount of time. John Q. Citizen was not on that beach for any amount of time.  The prudent thing for Christie to do was to have his family visit the regular beaches like Wildwood , or Point Pleasant , pay for a hotel and put money into the economy.  Instead he took full advantage of the shut down and has his own private beach.

Then he lied about it. During a press conference, the governor as was asked if he “got any sun”, to which he replied that he had not.  Newark Star Ledger photographer Andy Mills was in a private plane over the beach and snapped  some photos of the governor having fun, relaxing.  When confronted, Christie, through a spokesman claimed he was only on the beach for a few minutes and was wearing a baseball hat.  That excuse rings shallow to the millions of constituents in the state.

In the hey day of journalism,   the sky would be buzzing with choppers from every news station and Christie’s summer vacation would be covered live, as an embarrassment.and as a way to hold him accountable.  The governor’s legacy will now be defined by his involvement in Bridgegate,  his killing of a minimum wage hike in his state, forcing lower end workers into poverty in spite of bilateral support from democrats and republicans. And now this. Christie does not care.  He once considered himself a candidate for Vice President in Trump’s administration, but that was quickly denied.

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