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Bensalem Police Chase Burglars Through Neighborhood

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Submitted photo Police K-9 searches houses on Knights Road.

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Police were called to the 600 block of Knights Road, in Bensalem today, March 16 2021.  They were met by a complainant who reported a burglary. A K-9 was called in to search along the houses and streets were closed.  Bensalem authorities refused to say anything more except that it was a burglary.  Court records that were checked at 6:00 PM  do not reflect any arrests in Bensalem for that.




The search was concentrated on the area across the street from the Redners. There is no court docket to check to see what , if anything was stolen or if this was an attempted burglary, since nothing was filed . The incident happened about 2:30 PM and streets were cleared about 4:00 PM. DVN will update this story when more info becomes available.


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