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Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion: On The Recent Election

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Dear Friends,
      Election Day (2nd November 2021) left me with a feeling of hope that voters are returning to voting with facts, that they are becoming informed voters and not just vote for feel good promises. We vote for candidates that aspire to be our representatives, upholding the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Laws as they are meant to be, preserving the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the United States of America.
The people, who work, pay taxes, pledge allegiance to the flag, and are proud to live in the greatest country in the world. Proud of the red white and blue flag that represents our hard fought for freedoms, the white representing the purity and innocence that comes from our independence from other countries and hold true to our ideals. The red representing hardiness and valor, as well as courage and readiness to sacrifice, also the blood, shed by those who have fought to protect our freedom and our country. The blue signifies justice for all, as well as vigilance and perseverance, a reminder that we must remain watchful and strong. The lady in the Harbor that welcomes those who come here to become American citizens, coming to escape a life they find no longer acceptable, willing to enter and register their desire to become American Citizens. Feeling the pride knowing that the Eagle, and not the turkey, was chosen as our national bird to fly high overhead ever vigil, ever watching over US. Standing together as one people moving forward with the knowledge we have gained from our past as we constantly work to build a better today, moving into a future where we will take that knowledge and experience to educate our future generations, with wisdom.
     On Thanksgiving Day as we gather for our big dinner with friends and family, let us take a moment to be thankful for our health, our freedoms, our first responders who stand between us and anarchy, let us say our prayers for those who are not able to sit with those they love and enjoy a big turkey dinner, and finally let us be glad that the turkey is on our plates not flying over our flag and hopefully no longer voted into office.

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