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Two Males Charged In Golden Corral Brawl

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by Alex Lloyd Gross

The massive brawl that happened on January 28, 2022 has led to a police investigation, which, according to Detective Sgt. Glen Vandergrift  is now complete.  “We have charged two male individuals in connection with this incident. Hector Rios  Rodriguez of Alamonte Springs Florida and Alexis Rios of Trenton NJ have been cited for disorderly conduct,” Vandergrift said.


“This was due to their conduct after police arrived on scene, not for the initial fight that happened before police arrived,”  he said.   The charges are graded as a summary offense which according to police is a charging ticket. “There are no photos or fingerprints being taken on on these guys for this,” Vandergrift said  He added that the punishment is a fine and the amount is determined by the judge. He did not get into specifically what their conduct was.

Detective Vandergrift said “They can simply pay the fine and be done or they can plead not guilty and have a hearing in front of Judge Gallagher”. The charges  were approved by the District Attorney and there will be no further charges, police said.  Police said that the restaurant cooperated with police investigation.

“The brawl involved two groups of people who are  mutual combatants . It did start over steak. A group of juveniles were in line and some adults were also in line. Comments were made, and the kids went back to their parents to tell them what happened,”  Vandergrift said.  Multiple sources have said the brawl included 40 people and chairs and tables were thrown. The story made international news. The Golden Corral is located on Street Road in Bensalem Township, Bucks County Pa.


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