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Catalytic Converter Thief Tries To Hurt Detective With Car

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by Alex Lloyd Gross

Aug 21, 2022

When someone drives their car at another person deliberately, they are trying to kill them, or injure them.  This not not an accident or a misunderstanding.  Catalytic converter thefts are on the rise in this  region and these thieves strike at all hours of the day and night.  In Lower Southampton Twp, a detective saw a male they identify as Anthony Dalavos, 41, of Philadelphia  cutting off a catalytic converter in the 5- Below store parking lot, on August 19, 2022

As police approached Dalavos, he allegedly jumped into a grey Ford Focus and deliberately drove it at a detective, almost hitting him, police said. The focus then was driven into a parked vehicle, before he sped off in an unknown direction. The detective was not hurt, police said.


When caught, he will face several serious charges. He will also be questioned about  other thefts of catalytic converters in the area, if different townships. . Police said it is a good chance he may be behind some of them.  If you know where he is, you are asked to call (215) 357-1234. Police said that Dalavos  does not care about the safety of  others  or the environment. He also does not care about the hardship he is causing innocent people. When caught, he will be prosecuted in Bucks County.




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