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Flyers Hold Trick Or Treat Event Before Game

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by Alex Lloyd Gross

Oct 31, 2022

Orange and black are the colors of the Flyers. It’s also the color scheme for Halloween. It was only fitting that the two merge for a few hours.On October 29, 2022, Children were able to enter the arena an hour early with their parents and they were able to trick or treat, around the concourse floor.  Some of the Flyers Ice Girls and other departments were in costume and set up stations around the main concourse . Their mission was to distribute candy.


During the time before the game started, about several hundred people took advantage of this. Many who came in costume were adults.  They wanted to have fun too.  By 7:00PM, the game started.  Trick or treating was finished. It was hockey time.

Unfortunately, the Flyers lost. The thought behind this was to attract families, not just hockey fans. By showing people how much fun going to a hockey game could be, it is hoped that the team will gain new fans. Both those are are young but might be getting interested in sports and their parents.


Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware valley Flyers Ice Girls give out candy on the concourse.


All fans that came to the game got a free Flyers T shirt.



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