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Phillies Red October Bus Will Stop In Bristol and Mayfair Monday

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by Alex Lloyd Gross

On Monday, October 9,2023 fans will be able to see the Red October bus as it makes it’s way to Frankford and Cottman. This symbolic location is notorious for fans to congregate during sports team championships. It happened in 1980, 2008and it will happen again. Whenever a sports team accomplishes something, fans run to celebrate it. Those fans that can break from work for a few minutes can see the Red October bus at this iconic location, tomorrow.

The bus will also be at the historic Bristol Borough Waterfront , where people who routinely use this park for lunch or recreation, will get to see the bus in person. It’s not just seeing the bus. There are Phillies giveaways, like posters, rally towels and other treats that will be tossed from the bus, by Phillies ball girls,

Fans will be encouraged to sign the bus with their best wishes. Fans should sign only the wrap of the bus. Not the tires or any chrome. Here is the schedule for the bus:

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