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Bristol Township Fall Festival Is Huge Success

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by Alex Lloyd Gross

ALEX LLOYD GROSS PHOTO- Delaware Valley State Rep Tina Davis poses for a photo with the Bristol Riverside Theater booth at the fall festival.

You know your event was a huge success when there is a line of cars waiting to get into it. That is exactly what happened today for the twice postponed Bristol Township Fall Festival. The threat of inclement weather resulted in the event, usually held in late September, early October being held today. Cars snaked around Bath Road, waiting to enter the township complex.

Held on the grounds of the township building, this featured fire trucks, trash trucks and large tow trucks that kids could get up close and personal with.

ALEX LLOYD GROSS Photo-Delaware Valley Children get to play around the fire trucks and an ambulance.

The largest draw was the vendor area. This allows the community to interact with local businesses and local elected officials. State Rep Tina Davis and State Senator Steve Santarsiero were there either in person, or with staff to talk with people about what they could do and get literature on a variety of topics.

The festival started at 11:00 AM but that did not stop many from arriving early. Children could play in and around bounce houses and other inflatable items .

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