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Ryan Dominates Over Washington In Thanksgiving Game

High School Football rivalries are long entrenched. Some go back 50-60 years or even more. One game is played in Somerton is George Washington Eagles V Archbishop Ryan Raiders.

Alex Lloyd Gross -Photo-Delaware Valley As Washington gets some gain, Ryan was there to stop it.

From the first quarter kick off, Ryan was in charge of the game. They ended the first quarter up 7-0 . By the time the game was over, they were up 17-12 and that was it. Another game in the books.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley Washington was able to pass the ball very little during the first quarter.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley As Ryan advances with the ball, they are able to block Washington from getting to the ball carrier.

Alex Lloyd Gross0 Photo-Delaware Valley Quarterback POV, notice the player in the background getting ready to make the catch.

Washington did come back in the second half, for the 3rd and 4th quarters, they scored 6 points a quarter. It was good but not enough.

Fans on the Washington side were scarce, Ryan had a tad better attendance.

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