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100th Graduating Class Celebrated At Bensalem High School

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Some special guests were on hand for the 100th graduation of Bensalem High School last night. The class of 1974. It was their 50th reunion and several members of the class were in attendance, watching and reminiscing about what they were doing 50 years ago.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley Some of the class of 1974

The weather cooperated and promptly at 5:00 PM the celebration started. Celebration is a great word to use. It’s start of the journey into adulthood for this class. Some will get right to work, while others have been accepted into trade schools or such colleges as Rider, Harvard or even University of Tampa, for example.

As the walk started, students entered at the far end of the football stadium and walked along either side. When they got to the other end, where the stage was called, they got their diplomas and then had a seat. The chairs were arranged in the number β€œ24”.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley The 2024 Graduating Class starts their walk.

In addition to that, the scoreboard was also illuminated with 2024, in honor of this class.There were many signs and even a banner plane flew overhead announcing the 100th graduation.

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