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Rare Clouds Spotted Over Region Yesterday

by Alex Lloyd Gross

A thunderstorm came through the area yesterday. Some areas got a bit more rain than others. There were two lines of storms late in the afternoon. They came in from the west and moved east. Then, about 6:30 PM the sky turned green and then pink, depending on your location. To accompany this effect, there were large puffy clouds, moving in the direction of the storm.

Those clouds, called Mammatus clouds. They are often associated with rainstorms, according to this weather site about them in the UK.

These clouds form in the most unstable air Following these clouds in this region was clear, blue sky. Due to the unstable air that causes these clouds to form, experts say they can be an indication of hail or even lightning.

Weather is local and climate is global. That explains why it will rain on one street and the street next to is dry. Some areas did not get to see the Mammatus Clouds.

As a side note, during the height of the thunderstorm, at least 10 people ignored the lightning and set out on the Delaware River on jet ski’s or other watercraft. Others saw fit to watch the storm from under a tree. This is extremely dangerous.

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