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Synder-Girotti Students Graduate from Borough Police D.A.R.E. Program

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Winners of the D.A.R.E Essay contest with Sgt Carlos Hernandez & Police Chief Henry

Since the early 80’s The D.A.R.E. Program ( Drug Abuse Resistance Education) has been going into class rooms educating students about the dangers of smoking, illicit drugs, and alcohol.

This week students form sixth grade class of Snyder Girotti Elementary School graduated from the Bristol Borough’s Police drug prevention efforts, according to a press release from the law enforcement agency.

The program, delivered by Sgt. Carlos Rivera, teaches the students about the consequences of using illicit drugs, alcohol and smoking.

The course also discusses making the proper choices when faced with the challenges of adolescents.

Bristol Borough District Court Judge Frank . Perantau addressing sixth graders as part of the DARE graduation ceremony. Credit: Bristol Borough Police Department

Speaking at the event were Mayor Saxton, Judge Peranteau,, Superintendent Shaffer, Principal Rosado and Chief Henry.

All of the students participated in an essay writing contest in which five students were judged as the winners.  All students received gift bags furnished by the Bristol Borough Police PBA and the Grundy Foundation.

For more information about the D.A.R.E Program and its resources click here. 




Snyder-Girotti Students at DARE Graduation Credit: Bristol Borough Police Department

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