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Poodle Murdered in Maple Shade

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By Alex Lloyd Gross

Local police as well as New Jersey State Officers are investigating to find the piece of shit responsible for the deliberate shooting of a seven pound poodle . The dog, named Toby was walked around his neighborhood in Maple Shade. The dog was a part of the Cook family and was in no way a threat to anyone, family members said.  Toby got out of the yard and was on the run for a few hours.  There were no vehicles on 5th Street when a witness heard Toby wail in pain.

His family was notified and took him to the vet.  At first they thought he got ran over. That was not the case. He was shot with a .22 in the head by a psychopath that needs to be removed from society, before they hurt other animals or people.  Toby was a therapy dog to the elderly Robert Cook, who is a US Veteran.  The Burlington County Prosecutors Office released a statement that reads “Chief (Christopher) Fletcher’s position on this investigation is clear, the Maple Shade Police Department will not tolerate cruelty to animals. The Maple Shade Police Department and our certified Humane Law Enforcement Officers will work closely with the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office and bring to justice anyone that does kill or injure an animal in Maple Shade.”

The investigation revealed no vehicles on the road so someone in one of the nearby houses is responsible for this crime. When found, they will be arrested and jailed. Once inside jail, they will surly be victimized and beaten by fellow inmates who take a dim view of animal cruelty.

Should you know something about this or overhear someone bragging about doing this, the police would like to hear from you. you can call 856-234-8300 and reference case 2019-16928.

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