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All Workers In Pennsylvania Now Required To Wear Face Masks

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Alex Lloyd Gross- Photo- Delaware Valley Workers at the Reading Terminal Market wear masks back in March 2020.

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Effective April 15 2020, employees of all businesses are required to wear face masks. Especially when dealing with the public. Especially while handling or dealing with food.  This means that if an employee does not feel like wearing a mask,  the business owner can be fined. If you think that people will not be going to food stores to and videotape the 19 year old ,  not wearing the mask, think again.  The video will be shared on social media and probably with law enforcement.

It does not matter if the employee is uncomfortable wearing it,  a mask must be worn.  Masks can be surgical masks or something home made. The full text of the  governors order is below. This follows New Jersey where enforcement was just implemented yesterday. Also mandated, is  a specific time that elderly and at risk people can shop away from the general public.  Just last week it the wearing of a mask was strongly encouraged  in Pa. This makes it required.


Upon discovery of an exposure to a person who is a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19, businesses are also ordered to implement temperature screenings before employees enter the business prior to the start of work and send any employee home who has an elevated temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Sick employees should follow CDC-recommended steps. Employees should not return to work until the CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation are met, in consultation with the health care providers and state and local health departments. Employers are encouraged to implement liberal paid time off for employees who are on home isolation.

Upon an exposure, businesses are also ordered to do the following:

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