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Preview For Hero Thrill Show Held In Center City

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Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley The motorcycle drill team drives by a [podium on Market Street.
by Alex Lloyd Gross

Sept. 6, 2021,

A scaled back version of the preview for the  Hero Thrill Show was held last week on Market Street.  That was the reason traffic was shut down on Friday, to give fire trucks and police vehicles an area to stage vehicles.

About 75 people who were working showed up to see what was going on.  It was in front of 1818 Market Street. It was there that Jimmy Binns,  a lawyer and chairman of the  Hero Thrill Show. joined up with WOGL radio personalities to promote the show.  Previous events to promote this show  drew packed streets.  It must be noted that previously, the motorcycle drill team did a few stunts. Aside from riding to the event and doing a quick circle, it was mainly people talking.




People are not going to come out of office buildings to hear people talking, no matter how important the message.  People will come, weather permitting to the stadium  grounds in South Philadelphia. It is there they will bear witness to tactics used by members of the Philadelphia Fire Department and tricks done by the motorcycle drill team.  There are static displays and different things to see and do.

The show is Saturday, September 11, 2021 and it starts at noon, and runs until 5:00 PM. Tickets are available at the door or at any police or fire station in the city.  Proceeds help pay for the higher education for police and firefighters killed in the line of duty. The show itself usually draws  a large crowd.

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