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Northampton Police Log- Police Officer Punched and Crashes

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Sept 27, 2021 Aggravated Assault Patrol responded to Council Rock South for a report of an incident between two subjects. When Patrol intervened, one of the subjects struck the Officer in the face with a closed fist. The suspect was taken into custody.
Traffic Accident Patrol responded to Middle Holland Rd. at Old Jordan Rd. for a report of a three vehicle traffic accident. Unit #1 rear ended Unit #2 causing Unit #2 to strike Unit #3. There were no reported injuries. Unit #1 required a tow.
09-28-2021 Traffic Accident Patrol responded to the 700 block of 2nd St. Pike for a report of a two vehicle traffic accident. Unit #1 backed into Unit #2. There were no reported injuries and neither vehicle required a tow. Malfunctioning Traffic Light A transformer near Middle Holland Rd. at Rock Way was struck by lightning causing a disruption in the traffic signal. Armour and Sons are working on fixing the issue. Traffic Accident Patrol responded to Jacksonville Rd. at Pulinski Rd. for a report of a two vehicle traffic accident with injury. Unit #1 rear ended Unit #2. Unit #1 sustained minor injuries.
Ignition Interlock Violation Patrol conducted a traffic stop in the area of Township Rd. at Newtown Richboro Rd. The vehicle operator was driving a vehicle without an ignition interlock when it was required. DUI Patrol conducted a traffic stop in the area of 2nd St. Pike. After further investigation, the vehicle operator was taken into custody for DUI.
09-29-2021 Drugs Patrol responded to Meadow Lane for a report of a suspicious person in the area. Patrol made contact with the subject who was taken into custody for possession of controlled substance.
Traffic Accident Patrol responded to Old Bristol Rd. at Buck Rd. for a report of a two vehicle traffic accident. Unit #1 rear ended Unit #2. There were no reported injuries and neither vehicle required a tow.
09-30-2021 Parking Complaint Patrol responded to Keenan Lane for a report of a parking complaint. Complainant reports several vehicles park on Keenan Lane waiting to pick their kids up from school making it difficult for residents to exit the area. Patrol to follow up.
Traffic Accident Patrol responded to Almshouse Rd. at MacFarland Ave. for a report of a one vehicle traffic accident. Unit #1 was traveling on Almshouse Rd. when a deer ran into his vehicle. There were no reported injuries.

10-01-2021 Traffic Accident Patrol responded to West Bristol Rd. at Jacksonville Rd. for a report of a three vehicle traffic accident. Unit #1 rear ended Unit #2 causing Unit #2 to strike Unit #3. There were no reported injuries and none of the vehicles required a tow. Traffic Accident Patrol responded to Newtown Richboro Rd. at 2nd St. Pike for a report of a two vehicle accident. Unit #1 turned in front of Unit #2 causing a collision. There were no reported injuries and neither vehicle required a tow.

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