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These Juveniles Are In Big Trouble In Central Bucks

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by Alex Lloyd Gross

July 3, 2022

When you are young, you do stupid things. Like the two boys in the above photo.  Police want to find them and speak with them.  They could have killed themselves, or gotten killed or injured.

In New Britain Township, these two broke into an business just after 3:00 AM. This is the reason there is a curfew for children, so they don’t do things like this. Police said they scaled a drainpipe, climbed onto the roof of the AWeber building and then descended down a maintenance shaft.  They set off an alarm and fled. This happened July 2 2022.

They tried to gain entry into this property two days prior without success.  The also tried to breech a closed gas station in the township during the early morning hours of June 28,2022. Nothing was reported stolen.

If you know who they are you are urged to call (215) 822-1910. You do not have to give your name.

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