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9/11 Memorial Dedicated In Tullytown

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Sept. 12,2022

It never should have happened. That day 21 years ago when brainwashed, deranged terrorists hijacked airplanes and flew them into buildings.  Just about every American was outraged. David Pearl,  a military vet was serving at the time. He was a member of the Tullytown Fire Company, as well.

Alex Lloyd Gross-Photo-Delaware Valley The flag gets raised during the dedication.

As years passed, people started to build memorials. They were put in towns, at firehouses and other public spaces. Pearl wanted to have a memorial for the borough of Tullytown as well.  They had a connection with a representative of another entity that has two pieces of steel from the Twin Towers. Pearl was able to secure one and  vowed to build a memorial in town.

That promise came true last night, in spite of a  steady drizzle, about a hundred or so people came out for the dedication. This was a bit different than most dedications. Usually a politician will get up and speak. Not here. Save for the Mayor David Cutchineal.


A few showed up and they just sat and watched the dedication.  According to Pearl, construction started about two weeks ago and many people worked tirelessly and refused to take a penny in compensation.  They were honored last night. Wreathes were laid and a bell was rung 15 times, to symbolize fire responders that died . Many more have died since, suffering from the effects of the toxic air at ground zero.

While construction was done quickly, the planning and fundraising was a while in the making, at least a year , according to Pearl.  The memorial is located directly behind the firehouse, on Bordentown Road.

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