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City Honors Fallen First Responders With Wreath Laying

by Alex Lloyd Gross

May 4, 2023

At Franklin Square Park, there was an annual tribute to first responders  service the citizens of Philadelphia.  Being a firefighter or police officer is dangerous work. Those that preform it constantly put their lives in danger everyday.  Yesterday was a day to remember them.  While Temple Police Sgt. Christopher Fitzgerald was an employee of Temple University, his family was brought front and center to this ceremony.




This year, no Philadelphia Police Officers were killed in the line of duty.  The same cannot be said for three firefighters in the city. They are Lieutenant Sean J. Williamson, Firefighter John M. Flood Firefighter Jeffrey J. DiDomenico. They were all honored for their service with Deputy Fire Commissioner Anthony Hudgins who knew each person. He worked with them.

It was just after noon when a bell, just off to the side of the stage was rung as their names were announced.  Mayor Jim Kenney,  Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw and Deputy Fire Commissioner Anthony Hudgins carried wreaths to the monument inside the park and laid down wreaths in the honor of those that passed.





Family members were brought by charter bus to the ceremony. Upon it’s conclusion, they were all treated to lunch in center city.  This is done every year except during the pandemic years of 2020 and 2021.



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