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Juveniles Wanted By Police For Being A Public Nuisance In Central Bucks

by Alex Lloyd Gross

June 20, 2023

Back in the day, kids used to knock on peoples doors and then run away.  While it is cute and funny when you are  seven,  it becomes a nuisance and increasingly not funny as you get older.




With many adults working from home, they get interrupted by a prank. These people are working,  either on Zoom, a telephone conference or something else. Perhaps they are relaxing after working all day and they have to get up to answer the door, only to find no one there. Police in Solebury have released photos of two males they say are responsible for this behavior. It’s the same boys over the course of several month, police said.




These children are pulling this prank and disturbing their neighbors on Corrigan Road, police said.  If you know who they are, you are asked to call Solebury Police at 215-328-8511, so they can have a chat with the boys.

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