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Homeowner Shoots Burglars In Germantown

by Alex Lloyd Gross

July 17, 2023

It’s terrifying to arrive home and find four unidentified males inside your residence. That is exactly what happened yesterday about 1:34 AM. when a female returned home.   She saw four males in her apartment on the 4800 block of Germantown Ave.  A confrontation immediately  ensued and she pulled out a gun she was legally allowed to have and started shooting.




That is when the males  started to run. Police started to get multiple calls about gun shots  and they raced to the scene. When law enforcement arrived, the woman was standing over one of the intruders who was shot.  This male was unable to move after he was shot in the leg and arm. Police had him taken to the hospital and later to jail.


Police were trying to find the other three males and quickly came across a second male who was shot. The male was found on the unit block of East Seymour Street.

The males were identified as Jermaine Parker, 48/M from the Unit block of Clapier St. and Randy Miller, 45/M, from the 1900 block of N. 25th St. The  woman  is n0ot going to be charged,

 Both males were charged with burglary and related offenses, police said. police are looking for the other two males.



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