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Logan/Olney Area Home Invasion Robbery Caught On Video

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Cameras are everywhere, Including inside the house of a businessman who lives on the 6600 block of North 7th Street. This man runs a business from his home. Others knew this and some people had nefarious intentions with this businessman and his family. They paid him a visit.

On November 6 2023 he was outside with an employee when a 2007 or 2008 Acura cruised through his neighborhood. Four Hispanic males jumped from the car with guns drawn and assaulted the male and his family. They tied them up, while pointing guns at them. All while a small child watched from a close distance.

The four thieves then dragged a safe from the house, and also stole jewelry and firearms before running away, back to the car. That car was last seen west on 66th Avenue. There looks to be a cellphone recording that shows the car leaving. It is difficult to get a tag from this recording.

If you have any information about this crime or these suspects, please contact:
Northwest Detective Division:
DC 23-35-071050

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