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Mayor Parker: Residential Streets Will Be Plowed After Snowstorm

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Mayor Parker learns the city makes it’s own Brine

Philadelphia elected officials held a news conference today, at the City Sanitation Yard and Salt Depot, on State Road and Ashburner Street. It was there that Mayor Cherelle Parker stood alongside Managing Director Adam Thiel and Carlton Williams, the Streets Commissioner and other city officials who promised to plow residential streets.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley Mayor Parker chats with sanitation workers before the press conference.

“We have 30 Bobcats, with plows on them, staged in areas of the city that will respond to neighborhood streets for plowing , Williams said. While residential streets are not a priority like Bustleton Avenue or Broad Street, they will be made passable, which was a promise made by Parker. Will they look completely clean and devoid of snow and ice? The answer is no.However, not plowing smaller streets, is dangerous.

Cars drive down smaller unplowed streets and pack the snow, which turns to ice. This ice forms grooves where tires have been and cars can slide out of control and crash. During the press conference, Parker and her staff urged people to stay home.

Check on your neighbors. Shovel your sidewalk. It is against the law to keep snow on your sidewalk for an extended period of time. Six hours after the stoppage of the snow is when your walk needs to get cleared. If you cannot do it, hire someone who can. Use rock salt to prevent freezing. When shoveling, plowing is better than lifting lifting. Do not shovel the snow into the street.

If you do shovel, take breaks. If you start to sweat and have shortness of breath, take a break immediately. If you use a space heater, do not use an extension cord with it and do not plug it into a power strip. Generators should only be used outdoors. Propane and kerosene heaters are another thing that should not be used inside.. Those were some of the tips given by city officials to residents.

Mayor Parker said that multiple city agencies are working together and asked citizens to help them by moving cars from streets marked Snow Emergency Routes. If your car is not moved, it will be ticketed and towed., Parker said.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley City Managing Director Adam Thiel speaks during the press conference.

Managing Director Adam Thiel said the storm would bring more snow to other areas of the city than others. “Just because you don’t have a lot where you are, does not mean somewhere else in the city does not have four to six inches” After speaking with the media, Parker was taught that the city makes it;s own Brine solution, used to teat roadways.. She was shown the machine that just 72 hours prior was making the brine. She then visited the rock salt reserves and was taught how they were loaded into trucks.


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