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Some Bucks County Police Have Started Pet Registries

by Alex Lloyd Gross

Pets are family members. Period. It does not matter that the legal definition of a pet is property, they are living, breathing family members. At times, a pet can go missing, when they see an opening at a door or a window. A cat can be 30 feet from a door when it is opened and by the time the door is opened, it is out the door, running down the street.

When that happens, many times an owner will chase the animal. Should the animal get away, most become frantic, looking all over, putting up flyers and bombarding social media with LOST PET posts. All of that can work but in Perkasie and Plumstead, in Bucks County, they have now come up with Pet Registries. It’s an added tool to reunite pets with their owners.

This is an ideal way for police to become familiar with your pet, BEFORE they go missing. Plumstead . It is also a great way to prove ownership of an animal in case of a problem. There have been occasions where someone sees a cat or dog and tries to lay claim to it. It is also a great idea to get your dog or cat micro chipped. That way, if someone finds it and takes it to the pound, they can reunite you and your animal.

If you live in Perkasie or Sellersville, you can go here to register your pet. Always include a recent photo. NEVER let your animal out unsupervised. Remember, cats should always be kept inside. The excuse of “My cat likes to roam and be outside” does not fly. A three year old toddler likes to be outside as well, but you would not let them out unsupervised.

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