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Reptile Show Held At Philadelphia Expo Center

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by Alex Lloyd Gross

A huge show featuring reptiles was the coolest thing going on this weekend at the Philadelphia Expo Center, in Oaks Pa. This show was in Hall C and inside you could see anything dealing with reptiles.

Of course, animals were for sale but you did not have to buy, you could just look and take photos. Lizards, turtles and yes even alligators were there. While it may be legal in certain areas to own an alligator, you have to ask yourself, “What do I do with it when it get bigger?”.

Alex Lloyd Gross Photo-Delaware Valley A baby alligator is on display at the show.

Reptile tanks and things to them to climb on and hide behind were also for sale. It is legal get purchase small water turtles for educational purposes and that what many were doing. Larger tortoises were on sale from about $350.00 to $600.00 .

Before getting a reptile, do a lot of research on how to keep them safely and how to take care of them. They have many people there willing to give good advise on how to keep your reptile for a very long time.

Parking is plentiful and free. Next door, there is a health food expo which is pretty cool to see and do. Those two things are the only things worth while doing at the Expo Center this weekend, according to people that attended the events. .

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