By Alex Lloyd Gross

Cops and the FBI are trying to find out what happened to four males who dissapeared from various towns in Bucks Count last week. Tom Meo, of Plumstead, Mark Sturgis from Pennsburg, Dean Finocchiro from Langhorne and Jimi Tarr Patrick, of Newtown have not been seen since and cops believe the males met with foul play. “You are missing whether you want to be missing, or are reported missing”, Matt Weintraub, Bucks County DA said during a media briefing.
The matter is being treated as a criminal matter. The search seems to be concentrated in the Solebury area. Cops have been seen looking at a field, and a house in that area. A dense wooded area was also checked. Reports that four bodies have been recovered are false. The search now includes Wayland Court in Bensalem , off Bensalem Boulevard. There, a modest three story house is being searched by Bucks County Detectives. Two Middletown Police cars are stationed outside. Just what, if any evidence was recovered is not known.

Cops are doing forensic computer checks to see if there is a common denominator, Did the four of them correspond with ,or know the same person. Was it drugs, a sex ring, did they witness a crime or make a suicide pact. All of those theories have validity and all are being explored. Currently, the Bucks County Detectives Division is taking the lead. Special search dogs have been called up from Philadelphia, and the State Police have used a helicopter.
The property in Solebury is owned by Antonio and Sandra Dinardo who live on Wayland Court. Their 20 year of son was arrested in February on a weapons charge. That charge was tossed out of court but refiled on Monday. Cosmo DiNardo was just arraigned on $1,000,000. cash bail. Right now the two events appear to be unrelated.
Calls to the cellphones of the males go unanswered. The search will go on for days.