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Police Seek Vehicle For Knights Road Hit and Run (Video)

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by Alex Lloyd Gross

Philadelphia Police are looking to find the vehicle and driver involved in a hit and run accident that happened on the 11000 block of Knights Road in Philadelphia. It was just after 8:00 PM November 26, 2023 when a pedestrian was crossing the street near a parking lot. A dark colored SUV was exiting at the same time.

The SUV, make and model unknown did strike the pedestrian, police said and kept going, south, towards Red Lion Road. The pedestrian, a 69 year old female sustained critical injuries, police said. She was admitted to Jefferson, Torresdale Hospital. It is unknown if the driver of the SUV is a male or female. They also cannot park correctly, as both tires are over the line.

Hit and Run 11xxx Knights Rd DC 23 08 040276

If you have any information about this crime or this suspect, please contact:
Crash Investigation Division:
215-685-3180 or 3181
DC 23-08-040276
C.I.D. #23-1972

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