School Bus and car collide in Northeast Philadelphia

By Alex Lloyd Gross
A School Bus and passenger car collided at Knights and Woodhaven Roads during the early morning rush hour january 9 2019. Three people on the bus sustained injuries as well as the driver of the car, police said. The crash happened just before9:00 AM as the bus , which was on Knights Road was traveling south hit the east bound car at the intersection. None of the injuries was serious.
The car struck a curb and flipped over, landing back on it’s wheels. The bus came to rest in the median. Traffic along Knights Road was closed until the wreckage could be cleaned up. That took about 90 minutes. A heavy duty wrecker arrived to tow the bus. Two medic units responded and took the injured to Jefferson Hospital, Torresdale Division. Police said that there were no children on the bus at the time of the crash.