Unknown man tries to take child out of Philly school

By Alex Lloyd Gross
When you send your children to school, you expect that you will see them at the end of the day. That almost did not happen for one family, when they learned that and unknown male attempted to take two students from the Mastery Charter John Wister Elementary School, ( on Bringhurst Street). The male asked for the students by name. When he was asked for his identification, he pretended to use his cell phone and left without incident. This happened on January 8, 2019. Police just released his image .
Children can only be picked up by parents or people on a list approved by parents of the children. This male’s face was captured on security camera footage. When the parents of the children saw him on tape, they had no idea of who he was. If you know him, you are asked to contact police. His baseball hat says “Vietnam” on it. What is disturbing is the fact that this male asked for the children by name.