Motorcycle rider in serious condition after crash in Northeast Philadelphia

By Alex Lloyd Gross
A motorcycle driver is in serious condition after he crashed into the rear of a car on Academy Road near Holyoak Road in Philadelphia. April 4 2019. The bike was traveling on Academy Road, when a vehicle made a move in front of him, which caused him to swerve into the rear of a car that was waiting to make a left turn. The driver of the bike was thrown from his bike, which came to a position of controlled rest further down the street.
A mail carrier saw the crash and positioned her vehicle in front of the biker, to shield him from getting run over by other vehicles. The driver of the car did not sustain any injury, but her vehicle had to be towed. The rear wheels of the car were damaged and so was the rear axle . Police closed Academy Road towards I-95 while they waited to see if the crash needed further investigation. The crash happened just after 12:15 PM.