Just In: Fmr Bristol Councilwoman Sending Vietnam Vets on Vacation
If you know Amber Cortes Longhitano-Costantini, you know she’s always has a special place in her heart for Vietnam Veterans. On Monday the former Bristol Township

Councilwoman announced on her Facebook page she is sending Vietnam Veterans to Jamaica as way of saying “thank you for your service.”

“I don’t thing we give nearly enough to those that sacrifice so much,” Constantini, said.
“Thank you is just not sufficient to me.” she said.
The winners of the first round of free vacations are
Mr. Joe Hogan , Joe Osteen, John Everly and Mike Bosak will spend up to 2 weeks at the Belmont Cottages in Jamaica.
The now married former councilwoman plans to send Veterans from all wars on vacations from June to September. Veterans can apply for a July and thereafter by contacting Constantini, via Facebook messenger.
“Its giving back a little healing time in paradise” she shared.
This publication expects to update this story as more details become available.