PennDOT: Aggressive Driving Wave 3 Initiated this Week
Digital Reporter- Jeff Bohen

Police Department’s throughout Bucks County will join the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) and over 215 municipal agencies to conduct the third targeted aggressive-driving enforcement wave from July 8 to August 25, 2019, state officials announced last week.
The effort, part of the Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project, launched its third wave Monday aiming to reduce the number of aggressive driving related crashes, injuries and deaths on roadways throughout the State.
The second wave of the 2018-19 Aggressive Driving Wave was conducted March 18 to April 28, 2019. Two Hundred Twelve (212) Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies participated, in addition to PSP from 15 Troop, participated in that effort, state officials said
Municipal Agencies recorded 17,858 enforcement contacts and 16,266 citations/arrests during the 7-week Wave. There were 9,499 speeding related citations written; representing 58% of all citations. Traffic Control Signals/Signs was second highest with 1,177 citations and then Obedience to Traffic Control Devices with 1,016 citations. A total of 209 arrests were also made during the Wave. These arrests were a direct result of the officer’s initial traffic contact. There were 13 Felony arrests, 46 Impaired Driving arrests and 150 other arrests reported.
Any aggressive driver stopped by police will receive a citation. The enforcement wave will focus on red light running, the Steer Clear law, tailgating and heavy trucks. Motorists exhibiting other unsafe behaviors such as speeding, following too closely, or other aggressive actions will also be cited. Municipal police agencies that participated in last year’s campaign wrote 50,707 aggressive-driving related citations, including 30,197 for speeding. Failing to stop for red lights and stop signs resulted in 3,657 citations. Additionally, the enforcement accounted for 68 felony arrests, 142 fugitives apprehended, 200 impaired driving arrests and 1,259 occupant protection citations. The aggressive-driving enforcement is a part of the Pennsylvania Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project and is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
The focus for this 7-week enforcement Wave will be on Heavy Truck enforcement, Red Light Running, Tailgating, the Move Over law, and Speeding. Law Enforcement Agencies will also target motorists exhibiting other unsafe driving behaviors such as; driving too fast for conditions, texting, careless driving, Work Zone Safety violations and any other aggressive driving actions, state official’s said.
• Stay relaxed, avoid eye contact and ignore rude gestures; and
• Don’t block the passing lane if you are driving slower than most of the traffic.
The PAADEEP is committed to PennDOT’s pursuit of Zero Fatalities by supporting Law Enforcement in reducing the number of crashes on Commonwealth roadways.