Two Free Summer Movie Night Events in Lower Bucks Saturday Night
Digital Reporter- Jeff Bohen
Saturday looks to be a splendid cool evening weather wise in lower bucks area tomorrow night and that’s great as two different municipalities offer free movie nights.

“The Lego Movie” is on the agenda for at Falls Township Community Park and is sponsored by the Falls Township Parks and Recreation Department
The Summer Movie Night in the Park at the Falls Township Community Park (soccer field adjacent to the pavilion off the Mill Creek Road entrance) on Saturday July 27, 2019. Movie starts at 8:30 pm.This event is free. And a ice cream truck will be on hand to sell refreshments. Please bring your favorite blanket or chair!
In Bristol Township, Croydon section, the rescheduled event features Dumbo and takes place at Croydon Acres Park a bounce house will be on hand and concessions will be sold by the Croydon Acres Civic Association.
Movie begins at dusk.
The Free Movie night is sponsored by the Bristol Township Parks and Recreation Department.