Shots Fired Inside Bensalem Motel

by Alex Lloyd Gross
UPDATED JAN 28 2021 10:00 AM
One male, Ted Fosco, 55 is under arrest and charged with aggravated assault, robbery, and related crimes after police said that he allegedly created a disturbance inside the Comfort Inn on Route 1, in Bensalem. According to Fred Harran, Director of Public Safety for Bensalem Twp. Fosco was staying at the motel when he approached the front desk and started to break things.
Two shots were fired from a pistol which was recovered. There were no injuries. Fosco with no fixed abode will be sent to jail if he is unable to post bail. He must go through the court system to answer for these charges. If he is found to have any mental illness, that help will be offered to him .Police could not confirm if Fosco had a permit to carry a gun. If not, they will investigate how he came into possession of that firearm.
Original story is below:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Police in Bensalem spent the better part of this evening at the Comfort Inn located on Route 1 collecting evidence and processing a crime scene. According to Fred Harran, the Director of Public Safety for the township, a man fired a gun in the lobby area of the motel. This happened just before 6:00 PM January 27, 2021.
No one was shot. No one was injured. Harran could not say if the man is getting charged criminally or if he will be referred to mental health workers. People were walking in and out of the hotel which was an indication that the incident did not cause the hotel to shut down. There was some damage to the motel, police said. This story will be updated when we obtain more information.